Per la Salute mentale

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Franco Rotelli

"I think it necessary to insist on a point which is obvious to us, but which many people refuse to acknowledge: the institution which we have been debating for the last twenty years is not the mental hospital, but madness................"

A Fresh Look at the Person-Centred Occupation Focus and Social Integration of Consumers through the Trieste Experience.
Rachelle Cotterill, Jim Herbert, Nicole Grimberg & Moy Dibden

The mental health services in Trieste are widely recognised for their pioneering efforts in community based mental health - not only in terms of social and legislative reform but also in the therapeutic process related to deinstitutionalisation and social integration of users in the Trieste community. Occupations are used in Trieste to facilitate social integration under the motto ‘no-one is normal here’. This concept is used to reinforce the psychosocial philosophies of the service that have bought mental illness into the mainstream community of Trieste......................

Evaluating Social Entreprises Implementation in Italy.
WHO Congress, Paris
Franco Rotelli

1st International Meeting – Trieste, September 1998
“Franco Basaglia: La comunità possibile”



"De-institutionalisation in Italy : between ethics and politics."
M. Colucci, B. Norcio, C. Sindici
Trieste Mental Health Department

European Conference on Mental Health, Rotterdam, 7-10 March 2000 and published in the Final Report of the three-years european research on “ Ethical Aspects of the Deinstitutionalisation”, June 2000.

Trieste: The Current Situation
Tim Kendall

This is the text of a plenary address to the
Third International Conference on ’Psychosis: Integrating the Inner and Outer Worlds’
University of Essex, Colchester, England, September 1996.
The conference was sponsored by The Guild of Psychotherapists, Free Associations Journal, The Human Nature Trust, N. E. Essex Mental Health Trust, Centre for Psychoanalytic Studies, University of Essex

Eight plus eight principles
For a collective and community-based psychiatric strategy (towards mental health)
Franco Rotelli

Mental Health Department
Course for mandatory updating, 1999
“in practice”

Operator– Service – Context – User:
seeking ways for reciprocal value-giving

In accord with the programme, during the Course for mandatory updating “in
pratica”, the participants drew up a series of
recommendations to ourselves.
Given that the primary aim of the Course was to maintain and reinforce a
direct and concrete relationship between training and work, we believe it
useful to make known the results of this process of reflection to all our

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